Henderson González, a talented Venezuelan residing in Orlando, Florida, emerged as the winner of the third season of “Is it cake?”, an exciting cooking competition aired on Netflix. In this innovative show, contestants challenge the judges with incredible cakes that mimic everyday objects. González, an expert in 3D cakes, captivated with his ability to deceive the judges with impressive creations. His exceptional talent secured him the victory, taking home a prize of $65,000. Known as an “artistic baker” and “sugar architect designer,” González continues to win hearts with his creativity and skill in the world of pastry.



Venezolano Henderson González triunfó en la tercera temporada de reconocido concurso en Netflix


Venezolano ganó la tercera temporada del programa “Is it cake?” de Netflix


Where is 'Is It Cake?' Season 3 winner now? Henderson Gonzalez continues to run bakery in Florida after $80K win

Hello! I’m Hennderson Gonzalez, also known as Master Baker. With over 15 years of experience and the honor of being the winner of the Spring Baking Championship 2023, I’m excited to announce the launch of Lab School: a virtual school dedicated to training professionals and pastry chefs, from the most basic to the most advanced levels.

I invite you to join this exciting adventure, where we’ll share knowledge, techniques, and secrets to take pastry to the next level. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this unique learning community!


Hello everyone! I’m Henderson Gonzalez, known as the “Master Baker,” and I invite you to dive into a world full of wonder and delicious creations. My story is an exciting journey filled with creativity and dedication, a path that has led me to explore the far corners of pastry arts and design unique works that defy gravity.

I was born in Venezuela in 1987, always an restless soul refusing to settle for the ordinary. Although architecture seemed to be my initial destiny, the thrilling world of pastries crossed my path. On my daughter’s birthday, I discovered my passion for creating works that challenged expectations and broke through conventional barriers.

In 2016, I crossed borders and arrived in the United States in search of new opportunities. I landed at Walt Disney World, where I perfected my art and brought to life cakes that were not only delicious but also became part of the dreams of those who tasted them. The 2019 pandemic prompted me to take a bold leap: I left my job at Disney and participated in an online cake decorating competition, winning first place and marking a crucial point in my career.


I’ve made my mark on the culinary scene by winning the prestigious “Spring Baking Championship” and “Holiday Baking Championship” on The Food Network. I was also honored as the “Cake Maker of the Year” at the 2023 American Cake Awards.

My documentary, “My Sweet Story,” has won 14 major international festivals and received 5 nominations at the 2023 Suncoast Emmy Awards, winning 1 of the nominations for Best Direction. This recognition is a testament to my commitment and passion for creating cakes that not only delight the taste buds but also inspire and set trends in the industry. I invite you to join me on this sweet journey!

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